Loan Rates

as of 1/22/2024

Automobiles & Motorcycles, 2020 and newer & under 60k miles

Annual Percentage Rate
up to 60 months starting at 6.70%
up to 72 months ($20,000 minimum value) starting at 6.95%
up to 84 months ($35,000 minimum value) starting at 7.90%

Automobiles & Motorcycles, 2015-2019 or over 60k miles

Annual Percentage Rate
up to 48 months starting at 7.20%
up to 60 months starting at 7.55%
up to 72 months ($20,000 minimum value) starting at 7.95%
Older vehicle loans also available, contact us for details

Rates may have additional adjustments for higher mileage, older year model are also available, ...

Boats & Campers (with perfected lien)

Annual Percentage Rate
up to 60 months

starting at 8.49%

longer terms may be available at different rates, please contact us for more information


Annual Percentage Rate
Up to $1000 starting at 16.00%
Over $1000 starting at 13.00%
VISA credit cards starting at 11.99%

Miscellaneous (ATVs, ... )

Annual Percentage Rate
Personal Property (with no title to secure) starting at 9.24%
Mobile Homes starting at 13.50%
Home Improvement

starting at 8.00%

Share secured

Dividend rate + 2%

Disclosure: Rates may be higher depending on credit score and are subject to change without further notice. Preparation fee will be charged of 2% up to $30 on loans of $3000 or less.

Contact the loan department at